
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

i am outside and it is beautiful

i modeled for a beautiful lady searching for inspiration today. look up carolina lindsay photography on facebook and 'like' her page.

Monday, November 18, 2013

if you get bored, make yourself a list

In the past weeks, I have received both criticism and support for my decision to move to Missouri. For those supporting me, thank you, I appreciate you. For the critics, or the on-the-fencers, this is for you. But it is also mostly for me.
I don't know if most people realize this, but this generation has a problem with being 'bored'. Because, apparently, out of the thousands of other things you could do, you don't want to pick one single thing to entertain yourself by.
If you know me, I don't get bored. What is 'bored'?
I am tired of hearing over and over again, "Oh, but Jessica, you'll be so bored."
"You'll be so lonely."
"What are you going to do all day?"
"You're not going to like it."
"I can tell you from experience..../...my friend's wife hated it...."
Okay, first of all, just stop.
Second of all, I have many interests. I am not a dull person. I can tell you right now... I will rarely be bored living in Missouri. Yes, Talin will be gone at school most of the time. Yes, he can only stay over on the weekends and visit on weekdays. But in the moments where I will be 'lonely', I will also be painting. Probably a lot.
I will also be reading all the time (I still need to read the LOTR series), writing a book that I've been promising myself to finish, and playing videogames that I never have time for when I have a job. (Think of all the things you could get done if you didn't have a job). I can sleep in, run errands, learn to cook better, go for a run, blog, clean the house, do the laundry, watch a movie, AND ETC. Amazing, right?! All the things there is to do and get done?
The most important thing, however, is that I will be happy and with my husband, and that is all that matters.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

research. eat. repeat.

I've got an itch to scratch. Hence, why I spent endless hours over the design of this blog. (I know, it's not that great... yet). And now that I'm here? Nothing. Nothing comes to mind. Where to begin? What to discuss? How to approach it? I know from experience that there is a good and bad way to approach controversial topics, and I used to be way too concerned with ruffling more than a few feathers. But it's taken me eighteen years to reach this point, and I'm not going to take step back for fear of offending someone.

Also, controversial topics are nicknamed "unsafe", because everyone is too afraid to talk about them! I feel there are a lot of topics out there (rape cases, for instance *insert readers eye roll here*) should be brought to attention. I have talked to numerous friends and family about this (especially child rape) and receive shocking responses. Wait, really? You haven't even heard of this? Am I the only one?

Well, I'm not going to launch into that subject - or any subject for that matter - just yet because 1) it's two in the morning and 2) my eyes are burning from all the CSS codes and HTML formats.

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
- Winston Churchill.